Winter Is Coming: 5 Tips for Improving Your Greenhouse Business This Winter
“Winter is coming.” You may have seen those words on the internet meme featuring a man dressed in furs, bracing against the wind, and clutching a sword. Different variations have been circulating, warning us of everything from the weather to the appearance of “pumpkin spice.”
The quote is supposed to inspire vigilance against the dangers ahead. And so is this post. Winter is just around the corner, and your business needs to be prepared.
Fall sales trends are fresh in your mind, which means it’s a good time to analyze your fall sales and place your order for next year. You’ll most likely make better decisions about what to get, and you won’t run the risk of not having your favorite plants available. Prebooking this far in advance, you will be first in line for availability, and you’ll have time to edit your order later if your needs change.
Review your spring orders and make any necessary changes. If you haven’t ordered for spring yet, you’ll be picking through the remaining availability of most wholesalers. Order yesterday. We’re already ⅓ booked for our expected sales and varieties are starting to sell out.
Spend time with your family and friends. Schedule in that one last trip to the mountains or the beach. Things are starting to gear up at work and long hours are ahead. Kiss your kids- after Christmas, you won’t see them again for a few months.
It’s not time to advertise heavily, but you should continue with free advertising on social media. Post on Facebook and Instagram. Feature attractive pictures of your available plants. (People love pictures.)
Meet with your graphic designer to make sure all your printed materials are ready for spring. Waiting and then doing a rush job will lead to low-quality brochures, catalogs, and ads.
When the weather turns cold, what are people buying? Some of the best winter sellers are Christmas Cacti, Succulents, Ivy, and House Plants.
Christmas Cacti are especially popular around Thanksgiving and Christmas, so you may want to design some holiday ads or sales campaigns to make your customers aware you have the plants they are looking for.
Production for Spring Sales
Winter is the time to start planting for spring. Plant the majority of your spring crop, targeting the finish times a week or two early. Some plants will take longer than others, so you should be planting all winter. Make sure to check the recommended grow times for each variety.
Are You Running Late?
Here are some things that you must prioritize if you haven’t already done them.
Heat– Test your heaters and do maintenance on heating equipment and
backup generators.
Changing Plastic– It’s not too late, but it’s tough to change plastic when it’s cold outside.
Winterizing– If you shut down any houses for the winter, get them winterized sooner rather than later, so you don’t have any broken water lines.